

Irish Branch Seminar

  • Date Thursday, October 14, 2010
  • Venue Dublin Port Centre (Lower Ground Floor)
  • Duration 3 hours


The Irish Branch of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers is pleased to announce that it is hosting a Seminar on ISPS and Electronic Solutions for Shipping Documentation on Thursday, 14th October, 2010 in Dublin.

The first session deals with the implications of the International Ship and Port Facility Guide (ISPS) for Ships and Ports from both a Shipowners viewpoint and from a Port Authorities viewpoint. The ISPS developed in the wake of the 9/11 Twin Towers disaster, when it was realised that if aeroplanes could be used as weapons, so could ships and following a series of international meetings a code was agreed and implemented in 2004.

The second session is a presentation by Electronic Shipping Solutions (ESS) illustrating their development of modernising document processes in international trade, by replacing paper documents with electronic documents (eDocs).

Ess was established in 2003 to provide eDoc services which enable international trade participants to better manage and transact the documents required for operations, legal compliance and Custom purposes, such as Bills of Lading, Certificates of Origin and Safety Data Sheets. ESS is a privately owned company whose investors were chosen so as to ensure the neutrality of the Company.

The Company will outline the manner in which their systems have been successfully implemented and adopted by a number of Oil Companies and the progress they are making with other trades.

This Seminar will be of great benefit to everyone involved in shipping and transport.




Registration:   1330 hours


Session One:    1400 hours - ISPS CODE

Capt. Dave Elliott, Arklow Shipping Ltd.

From a Shipowner's perspective

1430 hours - Mr. John Fairley, Dublin Port Security Officer

From a Port Authority's perspective


1515 hours - Refreshments



Ms. Marnina Comninos, General Counsel, ESS

Introduction to ESS and benefits of eDocs

Current Status

Legal Framework

Appeals and reviews

Key provisions of the contractual framework

including law, jurisdiction and transfer of


Documentary Credits and the EUCP interaction

with other contracts, Charterparties and

Sales of Goods contracts.

Rotterdam Rules



Registration Form should be completed and returned to

Mrs. Hilary Park by the 7th October, 2010.


Dublin Port Centre (Lower Ground Floor)
Alexandra Road, Dublin 1.

Contact for Event

Hilary Park


Irish Branch

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers

Ph 087 6566610

Email: education@icsirishbranch.ie