

Learning & Qualifications


The Institute's academic year opens on 17 June 2024.

To sit an exam with the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers during the 2024/2025 academic year, you will need to register as a student. This can be done after the academic year opens online at https://shipbrokers.org/.

With a reputation for providing a first class education and professional development to the shipping profession, the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers' qualifications confer a status not equalled elsewhere in the industry.

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers delivers its main educational programme TutorShip directly from its London head office and under agreement through its 15 Institute Teaching Centres (ITCs) worldwide. Every year, thousands of students worldwide sit the Institute's Professional Qualifying Examinations in exam centres all over the world.

Following the completion of the Institute's Professional Qualifying Examinations, successful students can then apply for membership, with all the career advantages and benefits that it confers.

For those students who do not want to take the exams for full membership, the TutorShip programme can be used to study for the Institute's Foundation Diploma or Advanced Diploma (both accredited qualifications in their own right and recognised internationally), giving them a broad knowledge of the industry.

For students who are new to the industry, there are short courses such as the one-day Maritime World Explained course.

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers also offers bespoke company learning and training packages. For further details see the Corporate Support page.