
ICS Educational Fund

How to apply for support from the Educational Fund

ICS Educational Fund apply now poster

Thank you for your interest in the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Educational Fund. We hope you will find the below information helpful in submitting your application for funding.

Please read the guidelines thoroughly and submit all required documentation. This will help your request get through to our trustees for review in a timely manner.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible to apply if you or your organisation / Employer is engaged in the business of Shipping. However, our committee will give priority to candidates who have a real need for financial support and who can demonstrate their commitment to the business of shipping.

If you are applying for a bursary for the first time you must:

  • Provide evidence to confirm your identity, which must include a photograph of yourself. This can be a scanned copy of your national ID, valid passport or driving licence.
  • A reference letter from a third party
  • A letter of recommendation from your current employer or academic institution or your local Insistute of Chartered Shipbrokers branch.

If is suggested that candidates provide as much supporting evidence of their need for financial suppor tto allow the Trustees to make a more informed decision.

What do I need to include in my application?

Your funding application should be in the form of a personal statement of around 200 words.

The statement should contain as much information as possible regarding yuor background, the course you wish to apply for or any other reason for which you require support and the reasons for making the application.

Your application should also demonstrate your commitment to the business of shipping and your future within it.

How do I submit an application?

To submit an application, please download and complete the following form:  ICS Education Fund_ Application form-2025.docx

Please send your completed application to e.fund@ics.org.uk

When will I hear if my application has been successful?

The committee meets throughout the year to assess applications. All applications that have been submitted before the relevant meeting will be considered by the committee. After careful consideration of each application, the committee will inform you if the bursary will be granted or not, or if further information or clarification is required.