
About us

Our International Network

Members of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers are an internationally recognised network of shipping professionals who have proven knowledge, competence and understanding of the broad spectrum of shipping business and who continuously work to improve professional and ethical standards in the industry.

In the global shipping business our members often move from country to country and the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers provides international support through its 27 branches around the world.

No matter which branch a member belongs to, they are encouraged to participate in the activities of the whole branch network. Branch events, courses, seminars and training sessions are open to all members across the world.

The Institute supports its international student body through the branch network and 11 International Teaching Centres.

Furthermore the Institute is constantly welcoming new friends in the family and today can count already on 11 Recognised Partners.


Studying with the Institute:

We support our global network by offering online study methods through our ICS Online Academy as well as the London School of Shipping. The school is managed and operated by the Institute's head office in London and will undergo a quality audit process for accreditation as with any of the Institute's ITCs.

If you have any queries regarding the online courses please email us at shipping-school@ics.org.uk

The Institute's portal, available at www.shipbrokers.org, is a key part of the network with a dedicated members' area. This allows members to search for contacts, companies and to access specialist industry information.