

Membership FAQs

FAQ Page

For an overview on the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers' Membership please read the answers to the following frequently asked questions. For further information please feel free to contact us directly at membership@ics.org.uk.

Pathways into Membership: 1 - What do I need to be eligible for membership?

  1. Have completed the ICS Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE)
  2. Have a genuine connection to the commercial shipping industry, for example as a Shipbroker, Manager or Agent.

Pathways into Membership: 2 - What are the ICS's Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE)?

The Professional Qualifying Exams (PQE) is the highest ICS qualification and demonstrates your developed knowledge and understanding of the commercial shipping industry.

The PQE comprises of seven exams, from a choice of sixteen subjects. Candidates have up to five years to complete their examinations, however many achieve this in a shorter period. Once you have completed all seven exams, you will be eligible to apply for membership.

For more information and to register for the PQE, email education@ics.org.uk.

Pathways into Membership: 3 - If I have industry experience, do I still need to complete the PQE?

All members must have completed the PQE to be eligible for membership. However, if you hold maritime-specific, professional/academic qualifications or relevant industry experience, you may be eligible for an exemption from some PQE examinations. Please refer to our exemptions page for more information.

For more information email at education@ics.org.uk.

Becoming a Member: 1 - How do I apply for membership?

Once you have completed your PQE, you can apply for membership by filling out our membership application form. Your application must be supported by two existing Members/Fellows and your local Branch (if applicable).

For a full outline of the process and to find the membership application form, please see our Becoming a Member page.

If you need any help applying, contact membership@ics.org.uk

Becoming a Member: 2 - How long does it take to become a member?

There is no set time that it takes to become a Member, and everyone's journey is different and is based on individual circumstances.

Students have up to five years to complete the Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE) however many complete this in a shorter period.

Once you apply for membership, your application will be considered at the next Controlling or Executive Council meeting, usually within 6-8 weeks.

Becoming a Member: 3 - What happens once I become a member?

Once you have been elected to membership, you will be sent an invoice for your pro rata annual membership fee. Once paid you will receive your membership card, certificate, ICS pin, ICS tie/scarf and can start using your postnominals and enjoying our range of membership benefits.

Becoming a Fellow: 1 - What do I need to be eligible for Fellowship?

To be eligible for Fellowship you must:

  1. Be an existing Member (MICS)

  2. Must be a person holding a position of senior responsibility within the commercial shipping industry.

Becoming a Fellow: 2 - How do I apply for promotion to Fellowship?

To apply for promotion to Fellowship, please fill out the Fellowship application form, supported by two Fellows/Members and your local Branch (if applicable).

For a full outline of the process and to find the Fellowship application form, please see our Becoming a Member page.

If you need any help applying, email us on membership@ics.org.uk or call +44 (0)20 7357 9722

Becoming a Fellow: 3 - What additional benefits do I receive as a Fellow?

As well as our existing Member benefits, Fellows can use the FICS postnominals, are able to serve on Controlling Council, and are entitled to call themselves a ' Chartered Shipbroker '.

See our Membership Benefits page to for more details.

If you'd like to discuss benefits further, email us on membership@ics.org.uk or call +44 (0)20 7357 9722

Membership Benefits: 1 - What benefits will I receive?

Once you have become a Fellow/Member you'll be able to enjoy a range of benefits to help you progress your career in the shipping industry and gain a competitive advantage in your commercial and professional life.

Benefits include the use of FICS/MICS after your name, receiving the Institute journal Shipping Network, attending member events and being part of our International Branch Network.

See our Membership Benefits page to for more details.

If you'd like to discuss benefits further, email us on membership@ics.org.ukor call +44 (0)20 7357 9722

Membership Benefits: 2 - Which countries recognise Institute membership?

Institute membership is internationally recognised and demonstrates your knowledge and understanding within the global shipping industry.

With 27 international Branches and approx. 3000 members across 99 countries, FICS/MICS is globally recognised by companies and individuals from across the shipping industry.

Membership Benefits: 3 - Will I receive the Institute professional journal 'Shipping Network'?

Yes - you will receive a subscription to Shipping Network, which contains relevant articles, news from the institute and a wealth of industry knowledge.

Shipping Networkis published four times a year (March, June, September and December) and is available as either a paper or digital copy.

If you have not been receiving your copy through the post or digitally via email, please contact membership@ics.org.uk

Membership Benefits: 4 - Where can I find a Shipbroker or Agent? Is there a list of all Institute members?

Being able to network with other members of the Institute is an important benefit that we offer.

For those who have opted in, we offer a membership directory where you can find the contact details of other members, and well as their company and position.

To access the membership login to your account at shipbrokers.org.uk

Branch Network: 1 - How many Branches does the ICS have?

The ICS Branch network consists of 27 Branches across the globe, creating a truly international and vibrant Branch network.

Branch Network: 2 - Will I belong to a Branch?

Yes - all members will belong to a Branch. Your Branch will be allocated to you based on your country or region.

If you have moved and would like to change your Branch, or feel a different Branch better represents your geographical location within the industry, contact membership@ics.org.uk

Branch Network: 3 - There's not a Branch in my country/area - which Branch will I belong to?

If you reside outside the countries/areas covered by ICS Branches you will become part of the international Branch run by Head Office, with all the same benefits any Branch would offer.

Branch Network: 4 - What benefits do I get belonging to a Branch?

The ICS Branch Network provides international support and offers you key benefits as a member.

Branches are a great opportunity for networking and provide a sense of community through their programme of Branch events. Likewise, as regional rules and regulations may vary, Branches offer expertise and support specific to their locality.

Contact your Branch to find out more about events, local support and other benefits they offer.

Branch Network: 5 - Do Branches run events, and can I attend another Branch's event?

As a Branch member you can attend the full range of events your Branch has on offer. However, most Branch events are also open to members from any other Branch.

Branch events range from Annual Dinners and industry networking and courses, training sessions and more informal activities.

See our events calendar or contact your local Branch to find out the full range of Branch events.

Maintaining your Membership: 1 - How much does membership cost?

Annual membership fees are based on a tier system, depending on your country or region.

For full details on fees see our dedicated membership fees page.

Maintaining your Membership: 2 - How can I pay my annual membership subscription?

You can find information on how to pay your fees on our membership fees page .

Maintaining your Membership: 3 - My membership has expired, how do I reinstate?

If you have failed to make payment of your membership fees for up to three years, you can return to full membership status by simply paying all the outstanding balance on your account.

If you have failed to make payment for more than three years, you can return to full membership status by settling any outstanding fees (to a maximum of three years), before applying for re-election to membership. To apply for re-election, or to check the status of your account, please contact membership@ics.org.uk.

Once you have been re-elected as a member you can enjoy all the benefits of membership again, including being able to use postnominals (FICS/MICS) and receiving our Shipping Networkjournal.

Maintaining your Membership: 4 - Can I still be a member if I have left or retired from the shipping industry?

Fellows (FICS) and Members (MICS) who no longer work in or have retired from the shipping industry, either temporarily or permanently, may still wish to be retain their membership with the Institute. Individuals of all ages can change their membership status to Retired Fellow or Retired Member at a reduced membership rate.

As a Retired Fellow or Member you can retain your connection to the Institute whilst continuing to enjoy the full range of membership benefits, including a subscription to Shipping Network and the use of your existing FICS/MICS postnominals.

To change your membership status to Retired please contact the membership team at membership@ics.org.uk for more information.