
Online Academy

Study online

ICS ONLINE ACADEMY a spin off of the London School of Shipping

For the past few years, the London School of Shipping has been offering a broad range of study programmes in preparation for Institute examinations leading to recognised shipping industry qualifications.

Classes were held at the Institute's Head Office premises in London and online.


Here are some data that show the great value delivered by the School.

London School of Shipping

2020/21 Results


  • 83% pass rate overall (63% global average)
  • 17% of passes achieved distinction marks: 80+
  • 100% pass rate in 6 out of 10 subjects offered
  • 67% of EST students achieved distinction mark
  • 60% of SB students achieved distinction mark
  • 67 average pass mark

From this year, the Institute will offer the London School of Shipping traditional classes through its new learning platform: the ICS Online Academy.

If you would like to register please send the ICS Online Academy student registration form for 2024-2025 to shipping-school@ics.org.uk

Kindly download the form via the link below:  ics oa student registration form 2024-2025 - may 2025 exams (2).docx (live.com)


ICS ONLINE ACADEMY all courses on offer

Via the Academy

candidates will be able to enroll for:


all 16 PQE subjects

all 28 Institute Diplomas

The ICS Online Academy > Online Courses

This 'study option' is specifically designed to help students prepare for their exams in May and is available to all students worldwide who do not have any other support accessible locally.

Courses are taught by the London School of Shipping tutors online and each subject is taught every second week and covered over several classes from January to May 2025.

All PQE subjects will be available.

Furthermore, students will be able to study via the ICS Online Academy for the Institute Diplomas.

For more information about the Academy and to book a course, contact us on: +44 (0)20 7357 9722 or drop us an email:
