


Membership homepage - top banner

Our members form a global network of commercial maritime professionals, including Shipbrokers, Ship Owners and Agents. Institute membership is internationally recognised as a mark of professionalism in the shipping industry.

Our grades of membership are open to all maritime professionals with industry experience who have competed our Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQEs).

The Institute and our International Branch Network are here to support you throughout your career with a range of global and local membership benefits.

To access your membership account please login at www.shipbrokers.org

Membership Benefits

Discover the range of membership benefits available to Members (MICS) and Fellows (FICS).

Membership Grades

MICS Full member of the Insitute of Chartered Shipbrokers
FICS Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
Retired MICS or FICS who is no longer involved in the shipping industry
Life Member A branch nominee and Controlling Council approved
Honorary Fellowship By invitation of the Controlling Council


Becoming a Member

Find out more information on how to apply to become a Member (MICS) or promotion to Fellow (FICS)

Membership Fees and Renewals

Find out details of our membership fees (tiered by country) and information on different ways to pay.

Company membership

Company membership recognises a company-wide commitment to professional standards within the industry and is supported by our Federation Council.

Discover more about how to become a company member and what the benefits are.

Knowledge Hub

Find relevant market and industry reports from organisations such as the Baltic Exchange, VHSB, HAX and FONASBA.

Membership FAQs

Our FAQs cover all the qusetions you may have about ICS membership.