

Bulgaria: European Shipping Industry Stakeholders Forum, Varna 2018

  • Date Thursday, May 3, 2018
  • Venue Shortsea Promotion Center
  • Duration 3-5 May 2018



banner Shipping industry forum 2018 Varna


The forum will be officially opened on 3 May 2018 in the morning, followed by plenary sessions and 6 round tables on 4 May 2018, conclusions and formal closing on 5 May 2018.


The core themes that will be included in the agenda are:


• priorities for the EU's maritime transport policy until 2020:

competitiveness, decarbonisation, digitalisation  and financing to ensure global connectivity and efficient market;


• motorways of the sea: creating European Maritime Transport Space without Barriers, detailed implementation plan (DIP). MoS as a future of Short sea shipping.


This meeting will offer a platform for exchange of views and ideas between high-level experts from the EU and the Member States, the maritime industry and other public and private stakeholders.

Furthermore, it will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to learn more and give their opinion on EU maritime policy and maritime strategy 2019-2028.


Please make registration in time via

http://shortsea.bg/event2018.html - European Shipping Forum - Registration form


Shortsea Promotion Center
9000 Varna, Bulgaria,

Contact for Event

European Shipping Forum Varna 2018

Shortsea Promotion Center
9000 Varna, Bulgaria,
Central Post 2 P.O.Box
Tel/Fax: +359 (52) 601011