

ICS North East Branch Newcastle Dinner

  • Date Friday, May 6, 2022
  • Venue The Newcastle Civic Centre


ICS NEE 2022 NEWCASTLE DINNERInstitute of Chartered Shipbrokers' - North East Branch Dinner

Friday 6 May 2022


The North East Branch Annual Newcastle Dinner will be held on Friday 6 May at The Newcastle Civic Centre and will be a formal Black-tie event before a wonderful four course dinner with liqueurs.

Our after dinner speaker will be Geoff Miller an ex England cricketer who comes with excellent reviews as a speaker.

We have managed to keep the ticket price at £60 and all bookings should be made to Gillian Clark by 31 March: gillian.clark@nepia.com

We will be holding the usual charity raffle and would greatly appreciate raffle prizes from any Member/Companies.

Full recognition of you/your company's kind gesture will be made when the prize is drawn.  If you can donate a prize please can you contact Gillian Clark as above.


The Newcastle Civic Centre

Contact for Event

For all info and to book, please contact Gillian Clark by 31 March : gillian.clark@nepia.com