

Netherlands branch AGM

  • Date Thursday, June 20, 2024


We are glad to invite you for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ICS Netherlands Branch. This will take place on Thursday 20 June at 18.00 (Dutch time). All Fellows , Members and students are welcome to join in person and participate in the further development of our branch. Have your say and join us on the day!
The AGM is followed by a network drink (& bites) at the Royal Rowing and Sailing Club 'De Maas', a beautiful location in the center of Rotterdam.
If you are planning to attend, can you please respond to this email by 18 June
Koninklijke Roei- en zeilvereniging 'De Maas'
Veerdam 1
3016DD Rotterdam
Start: 18:00 hrs
1. Welcome & Introduction
2. Chairman's Update
3. Treasurer's Update
4. Adoption of the Treasurer's Report
5. Committee Elections
6. Any other business​
The AGM is followed by network drink & bites
​Rules for elections
-The executive positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary can be held for a maximum of two years. After which Vice-Chair automatically assumes the position of Chair. (unless they officially wish to resign).
-Other executive positions can be filled by members who have served a minimum of one year on the committee.
-The maximum number of committee members is 11. Any paid-up member associated with the branch can join the committee if elected at the AGM by a majority of attending members (or members who have voted a maximum of 48 hours in advance in absentia) and win the most votes.
-Junior committee positions can be held for a maximum of two years before going for re-election, however, the same committee member can be re-elected.
-If the committee wishes to request a committee member to resign they need to list the motion and reason in advance of the AGM and the opportunity to resign must also be presented to the committee member in advance. A 2/3 majority from the committee or a majority of the branch membership is required.
Last but not least we would like thank all members who have paid their annual fee.  Incase you have not done so yet however, we kindly request you to  remit same to below bank account:
The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Netherlands branch
IBAN : NL16 RABO 0360 4376 05
Exchange rate: 0.85 (see attached supporting document)
MICS rate this year is GBP 133 = EUR 157
FICS rate this year is GBP 207 = EUR 244
On behalf of your ICS Netherlands Committee


Contact for Event

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