

ICS Nigerian Chapter AGM

  • Date Saturday, August 31, 2024


Invitation to 2024 Annual General Meeting and Election of chapter executive committee of Institute Chartered Shipbrokers Nigeria Chapter.

We warmly invite you to attend our annual general meeting (AGM). This is your opportunity to influence the work of the chapter and institute, give the committee your feedback and elect the new executive committee members for the coming year.

We are hoping that the occasion will provide an opportunity to discuss how the institute and, in particular the chapter, can continue to grow and to hear your views. There will also be free refreshments and drinks.

The meeting will take place at Board room, Nigeria Institute for Oceanography And Marine Research, 3 Wilmot Point road, Victoria Island Lagos,  on 31st August 2024, and will start at 11.00am (registration from 10:30am).  Sandwiches, tea and coffee will be available from 10:30am.

Nigeria Chapter Meeting

11:00 - 11:30 Welcome and introductions

11:30 - 11:50 Presentations by industry experts

11:50 - 12:05   Questions and Answers sessions

12:05 - 12:35 AGM


Alongside hearing and discussing your feedback, there is some formal business that we are required to consider at our AGM

AGM Agenda

•          Opening Agenda

•          Opening Remark

•          To receive the chairman's report

•          Election of chapter executive committee

•          Any other business





ICS Nigeria Chapter can only continue with your ongoing support. We are constantly seeking people to get Involved and join our chapter executive committee (Nomination Form to serve on the executive Committee ).

If you think you have particular skills that would be useful or want to help out with chapter activities, then please get in touch with our General secretary Nigeria Chapter on 08101994944 or email: icsnigeriachapter@gmail.com

The available Nigeria chapter executive committee positions are listed below:



General Secretary

Vice-General Secretary


Committee Member (Education & Training)

Committee Member (Public Relations & Enlightenment)


I look forward to meeting you on 31ST August, 2024.

Yours sincerely

SARIGBEDE                                                              CEBARE

SAMSON ARIGBEDE MICS                                                               CHRISTOPHER EBARE FICS

General Secretary Nigeria Chapter                                               Chairman Nigeria Chapter
