

Hong Kong Branch Dry Bulk Market Seminar

  • Date Thursday, June 13, 2019
  • Venue HKMA
  • Duration 3hrs


Dear Members, Guests and Firiends,

Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Hong Kong Branch, with the support of Pacific Basin Shipping (HK) Limited cordially invite you to a Dry Bulk Market Seminar on 13th June from 1800hrs onwards at HKMA.


Topic: "A different view on the Dry Bulk Market"

Speaker: Mr. Morten Ingebrigtsen (Director, Asset Management of Pacific Basin)

Morten has, after starting his shipping career with Wilh. Wihelmsen in Oslo, worked in Pacific Basin since 1989 in their offices in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and presently in Bad Essen, Germany, where he has been based for the last few years. Morten's areas of expertise is Ship Sale & Purchase and Dry Bulk Market Research & Analysis. Morten enjoys speaking at dry bulk shipping industry events and looks forward to meet with the Institute's members, guests and friends in Hong Kong. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Hong Kong branch is delighted to welcome Mr. Morten Ingebrigtsen.


Charge: Free of Charge


Please register at  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRIxKXU2KLstwDeGNXq4txi949l5IEQwF6Ri662peR7rXWyg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1


14/F Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong

Contact for Event

Ms. Gaskell Chan

Honorary Secretary

Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Hong Kong Branch


T: +852 3766 1921

E: Hon-Secretary@ics.org.hk