

Education prices 2024-25

The Institute's academic year opens on 17 June 2024.


To sit an exam with the Institute during the 2024/25 academic year, you will need to register as a student. This can be done online at https://shipbrokers.org/.


  • All prices are shown in £ GBP
  • Fees payable to head office will be in £ GBP
  • Local currency is payable via an Institute Branch or Institute Teaching Centre (ITC), as applicable


Student Registration (annual fee)

Deadlines apply: click here for details

£142 per year (June-May)

Examination Entry - Standard

Deadlines apply: click here for details

£179 per subject

Examination Entry - Discounted rate for early enrolment:

Deadlines apply: click here for details

£108 per subject until 23rd September 2024


Deadlines apply: click here for details

£195 per subject granted (maximum three per student)

TutorShip (includes course material and exam entry). Does not include ICS annual student registration

Deadlines apply: click here for details

£795 per subject

Online Courses (includes all fees: course book and course material, online lectures and exam entry) Includes ICS annual student registration

1 Subject £1,145.00 - Additional subjects £1,045.00

Post-examination review

Deadlines apply: click here for details



Deadlines apply: click here for details

£65 per subject

Administration fee

for special requests - such as transcripts, Masters applications etc

£42 (or multiple thereof*)

*Depending on the nature of the request, the Institute reserves the right to charge multiples of this fee covering additional administration required to complete the request satisfactorily.