
Liverpool Branch

Liverpool Branch

Welcome to the website of the Liverpool Branch of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers.

The first AGM of the Liverpool District Association of Chartered Shipbrokers was held in 1917 - some 6 years after the formation of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. In 1958, the Liverpool District was re-named "The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Liverpool Branch".


Welcome to our new Branch officers!


Liverpool branch AGM

update - September 2022

The new Chairman of the Branch was elected at the Branch AGM in April 2021. Please see below the main contacts for the branch:

Chairman Andy Banks FICS
Vice Chairman TBA
Secretary & Treasurer Roy Cooke FICS


Contact Details

The Institute Of Chartered Shipbrokers (Liverpool Branch)

c/o Roy Cooke FICS

9 Kinloss Road

Greasby, Wirral, CH49 3PS

T: +44 (0)151 677 9168

M: +44 (0)799 076 4143

E: roycooke7@icloud.com