

South Wales and West Branch, Celebrating IMO World Maritime Day

  • Date Friday, September 30, 2016
  • Venue Devonport Lecture Theatre


Plymouth University, Friday 30th September 2016, 1845 for 1900 hours

The South West and Wales Branch is glad to invite all its members and students to the IMO World Maritime Day celebrations.

The event will take place at the Devonport Lecture Theatre, Portland Square Building.



"Without shipping the import and export of goods on the scale necessary to sustain the modern world would not be possible. Yet the fact remains that most of the world's population is not aware of the vital role shipping plays in their everyday lives."

The Keynote Speaker at the World Maritime Day celebration in Plymouth will be:

Mr Peter Hinchliffe OBE

Secretary General

International Chamber of Shipping and International Shipping Federation

Peter had a first career in the Royal Navy. In this exciting career that spanned 27 years, he served at sea in most ship types but specialized as a submariner and commanded diesel and nuclear powered submarines for over 5 years. He also spent 2 years managing the Royal Navy's Tactical Development Centre. He joined ICS in 2001 and for several years, as the Marine Director, he led ICS representation on safety and environmental issues at the IMO as well as speaking on behalf of international shipping at other UN agencies and on conference platforms around the world.He was appointed Secretary General in mid 2010. Peter has an Honours Degree in 'Systems and Management'. He is a Vice-President of the Nautical Institute.

The evening meeting is supported by Plymouth University Marine Institute and the local branches of the maritime professional bodies including The Nautical Institute, IMarEST and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers.

The event is FREE and a warm welcome is extended to all.


Devonport Lecture Theatre
Portland Square Building
Plymouth University

Contact for Event

For further Information please contact:

E: Robert.hone@plymouth.ac.uk

T: 01752 586163