
Online Academy

Study a stand-alone subject to deepen your knowledge and skills

What to study?

You can study whichever PQE subject you want in any order or preferred combination.

Candidates could technically take one… or seven exams in one single exam session, if brave enough!

However, it is recommended that candidates study for two to three exams per session.

If unsure about the ambitious journey of the PQEs, candidates should consider gaining a 'recognized qualification' with one of Institute's Diplomas. Any credit gained with a Diploma counts towards the top qualification leading to membership.

ICS ONLINE ACADEMY what to study

PQE Compulsory subjects - group 1

These subjects are compulsory because they represent the fundamental underpinnings of all activity within the commercial shipping industry:

Introduction to Shipping

Legal Principles in Shipping Business

Economics of Sea Transport & International Trade

Shipping Business

Specialisms - group 2

These papers cover a wide range of practical shipping disciplines in considerable detail:

Dry Cargo Chartering

Ship Operations & Management

Ship Sale & Purchase

Tanker Chartering

Liner Trades

Port Agency

Logistics & Multi-modal Transport

Port & Terminal Management

Offshore Support Industry

Shipping Law

Marine Insurance

Shipping Finance

ICS ONLINE ACADEMY studying shipping

The Institute Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQEs) form the pinnacle of the Institute's qualifications. Passing this set of seven exams demonstrates your developed knowledge and understanding of the commercial shipping industry.

To complete the PQE programme, candidates must take all four compulsory subjects, and the remaining three subjects can be chosen from a list of 12 optional subjects (see above).

Many people are eligible for Exemptions from some exams based on industry experience and prior qualifications. Exemptions do not apply to the Diplomas.

Candidates who have completed the PQE programme will be eligible to apply for membership of the Institute.

The flexible learning system offered by the Institute allows candidates to start their PQE journey with any of the Diplomas on offer. Any credit gained with a diploma counts towards the top ICS qualification leading to membership.


Today is a good day to make a start!


For more information and to book, contact us at: +44 (0)20 7357 9722 or drop us an email: shipping-school@ics.org.uk

If you would like to register please send the ICS Online Academy student registration form for 2024-2025 to shipping-school@ics.org.uk

Kindly download the form via the following link:  ics oa student registration form 2024-2025 - may 2025 exams (2).docx (live.com)