
Online Academy

Gain an internationally recognised qualification with an ICS Diploma

Institute Qualifications > Diplomas

These qualifications are awarded when a candidate succeeds taking two exams within the same exam session:

·       for a Foundation Diploma candidates should appear for the Introduction to Shipping exam plus one other subject of choice.

·       for an Advanced Diploma, candidates should appear for the Shipping Business exam plus one other subject of choice.

Below please find the list of all 28 ICS Diplomas available.

> Foundation Diploma

The Foundation Diploma is ideal for people with little industry experience but who would like to gain practical knowledge and a sound qualification. It involves taking the Introduction to Shipping paper plus one other subject from Group 1 (except Shipping Business) or from the Group 2 list of optional papers from the Institute's syllabus.

The Foundation Diploma is a stand-alone qualification in its own right, but because it can count towards your membership examinations it is also a great way to ease into study and gives you an overall view of the business.

A Foundation Diploma is awarded if both subjects are passed in the same exam sitting.

Foundation Diplomas:

Diploma Qualifications also contribute to PQE credits.

>  Advanced Diploma

The Advanced Diploma has been designed as a stepping stone into full professional qualification and suits those who have some industry knowledge. Like the Foundation Diploma, the Advanced Diploma is a recognised and respected qualification and it can count towards your Professional Qualifying Examinations. It involves taking the Institute's benchmark paper Shipping Business plus one other subject from Group 1 (except Introduction to Shipping) or from  the Group 2 list of optional papers from the Institute's syllabus.

An Advanced Diploma is awarded if both subjects are passed in the same exam sitting.

Please see below the full range of Advanced Diplomas available:

Advanced Diplomas:

Diploma Qualifications also contribute to PQE credits.


For more information and to book, contact us at: +44 (0)20 7357 9722 or drop us an email: shipping-school@ics.org.uk

If you would like to register please send the ICS Online Academy student registration form for 2024-2025 to shipping-school@ics.org.uk

Kindly download the form via the link below:  ics oa student registration form 2024-2025 - may 2025 exams (2).docx (live.com)