
Online Academy

Get ready with the ICS Online Courses

Now is the time to contact us and join our ONLINE COURSES starting in the new year.

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Registration is open for ICS Online Academy online courses in preparation for May 2025 examinations.

The courses include great extra learning materials, access to topical webinars, an individual feedback service on assignments and mock exam and most importantly, online classes delivered live starting early in January 2025 with a fortnightly schedule.

Previous learners achieve highly from these fully structured programmes, coming back year-on-year to get to the finish line faster.

Subjects available:

Introduction to Shipping

Legal Principles in Shipping Business

Economics of Sea Transport & International Trade

Shipping Business

Dry Cargo Chartering

Ship Operations & Management

Ship Sale & Purchase

Tanker Chartering

Liner Trades

Port Agency

Logistics & Multi-modal Transport

Port & Terminal Management

Offshore Support Industry

Shipping Law
Marine Insurance

Shipping Finance

Enroll today - complete and return the registration form available at the link below.

If you would like to register please send the ICS Online Academy student registration form for 2024-2025 to shipping-school@ics.org.uk

Kindly download the form via the following link:  ics oa student registration form 2024-2025 - may 2025 exams (2).docx (live.com)