

South Africa Branch - End of year Luncheon

  • Date Thursday, December 1, 2016
  • Venue The Royal Natal Yacht Club


South Africa Branch - End of year Luncheon

ICS - SA -Year_end_Luncheon_Invite_1_Dec_16

The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers - South Africa Branch cordially invites you to the Year End Luncheon.

We weill have as spacial guest

Mr. Andrew Pike

Director of Bowman Gilfillan Inc., Ports of Africa (Pty) Ltd and A-Cubed Consulting (Pty) Ltd

who will be talking about "The oceanos: a Maritime Adventure"

The MTS Oceanos was a French-built and Greek-owned cruise ship both famed and notorious after it sunk in 1991.

Date: Thursday, 1st December 2016

Time: 12h15 for 12h45

Venue: The Royal Natal Yacht Club

Cost: R 130.00 for Fellows, Members & Students

Guests: R 150.00

RSVP: icssa@ics.za.org before 25th November 2016

A full cash bar will be available.


The Royal Natal Yacht Club
Yacht Mole
South Africa

Contact for Event

For all details and to confirm your attendance please contact your branch before 25th November 2016 at:

E: icssa@ics.za.org