

Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Lectures - Using Carbon Markets And Their Impact On Freight

  • Date Wednesday, January 25, 2023
  • Venue Online
  • Duration 1hour


Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Lectures

ICS Baltic lecture leaflet - banner

Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Lectures for 2022

For the fifth year the Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers present a series of lectures intended to support and develop those working in chartering and operations.

Taking place every other month, lectures are free to employees at Baltic and ICS members and company members.

The series is aimed at supporting those developing careers in shipping and encouraging better advocacy across a future generation of industry leaders and is supported by all the major broking houses and a wide cross-section of principals.


Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers lectures restart in June 2022 with a new format to benefit all our Members worldwide.


We are incredibly proud that this series has now reached the fifth cycle and both organisations were keen to continue with this project as we see the interest of hundreds of members for each of our dates.

We are also thrilled to report that in some locations, the local maritime groups of young shipping professionals have offered their support to our series, and are excited to sign up selected groups of their own members. This curiosity from groups of younger maritime people shows us the usefulness of these lectures, as long as we ensure we protect these as part of our benefits to members.

Do you have local maritime groups that might want to be part of promoting these lectures, and in exchange be able to register a limited group of their members and employers to attend?

Please see below the dates and topics that we are willing to arrange for our members.

Postponed from October to 25 January 2023 @11:00 - Baltic ICS Webinar Series 5 - Lecture 3

Using Carbon Markets And Their Impact On Freight

The Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers will be focusing on the carbon markets in their next free to attend webinar. Agenda TBC.

Details to Register will follow in due course.



1662998438608Date: 25 January 2023

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Baltic Exchange and Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers will be focusing on the carbon markets in their next free-to-attend webinar.

Environmental regulation aimed at reducing emissions from shipping is both complex and ambiguous. It has never been more critical to business outcomes to develop a solid understanding of the landscape, after considering the technical, regulatory landscape alongside the market response and the commercial implications.

The panel will focus on the use of carbon markets to support a broader sustainability strategy. Both the voluntary or offset market and the implications of the inclusion of the maritime industry into the EU ETS, will be covered.

Join us for this webinar, which will provide the context and overview and of environmental regulation, along with why it is important to act to position oneself favourably, and what can be done to mitigate risk.



Martin Crawford-Brunt, Decarbonisation Lead, Baltic Exchange (CEO -Lookout Maritime)

  • Martin will cover the environmental regulatory landscape and the need for developing a carbon risk management strategy. Both as part of ongoing business risk management and commercial activity as well as meeting sustainability and environmental expectations from stakeholders and clients going forward.

James Blunt, Head of voluntary carbon, shipping & aviation at Redshaw Advisors Ltd - An introduction to the carbon markets

  • What are the carbon markets? - compliance (EUETS) and voluntary
  • Background to EUETS and inclusion of the maritime sector
  • Timelines and registration process
  • Risk manage your exposure to carbon
  • Latest updates from the EU (Council/ Commission and Parliament)
  • What should ship brokers know about EU ETS now and ahead of the implementation
  • What practical steps are recommended for ship owners in the coming months
  • What practical steps are recommended for shippers or charterers in the coming months
  • How to manage the variations in the approaches on this will be implemented by EU various jurisdictions


We look forward to welcoming you at the next lecture.



Contact for Event

For more details please contact Eleonora Modde @
