Types of membership
Membership of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers means much
more than the initials after your name. As the largest network of
professional shipbrokers, managers and agents, Institute membership
is internationally recognised as a mark of professionalism in the
shipping industry.
Membership categories are listed here with a full explanation of
each category on the individual pages within this section.
Member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and a
Chartered Shipbroker |
Retired |
MICS or FICS who is no longer involved in the shipping
industry |
Life Member |
A branch nominee and Controlling Council approved |
Honorary Fellowship |
By invitation of the Controlling Council
If you meet the specific entry requirement for one of the above
categories of membership you will find further details on how to
apply by going to the relevant page of this membership section.
For further information please visit our
membership FAQ page, or contact us
directly at membership@ics.org.uk.