

ICS ME Silver Jubilee Series Webinar on "Application of Artificial intelligence (AI)/ Machine learning (ML) in Shipping

Posted on Thursday, July 4, 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are popular topics of discussions these days. Except hearing that a particular system is AI-based, we hardly know what makes it an AI system.

Dr. L R Chary, consultant and academician who presented the webinar on 'Application of Artificial intelligence (AI)/ Machine learning (ML) in Shipping' on 21st November 2020 as part of the ICS Middle East branch Silver Jubilee webinar series explained how different algorithms are used in decision making by AI-based systems.

Dr. Chary, in his inimitable style explained how Kalman Filter and Bellman Equation helps in arriving at decisions in shipping applications such as collision avoidance and ship sale & purchase.

During the Question and Answer session which followed the webinar, a wide range of topics including the future of AI-based systems, the challenges and opportunities, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in maritime university courses, etc. were discussed.

