

HK Branch - Encouraging turnout at the branch 55th AGM

Posted on Thursday, September 27, 2018

The branch 55th Annual General Meeting was held on 27th September. It was a great success with a very encouraging turnout.


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In his Chairman's report to the AGM the outgoing Chairman, Mr. Joseph Chau FICS, highlighted branch achievement over the last one year & briefed the objectives for the coming year. The outgoing Treasurer Dr. TL Yip delivered the Auditor's report. Ms Rosita Lau was re-appointed as Legal Adviser to the branch.

Who's who in 2018-2019

Office Bearers

  1. Chairman - Anand Sharma
  2. Vice Chairman, Membership/Examination officer - Manson Cheung
  3. Immediate Past Chairman - Joseph Chau
  4. Hon Treasurer - PC Li
  5. Hon Secretary - Ms. Gaskell Chan
  6. Education Officer - Jagmeet Makkar
  7. Web Administrator - Josh LI
  8. Young Member Group convener - Davin Chan

Other Executive Committee members

  1. Rakesh Sethi
  2. YK Chan
  3. Dr. TL Yip
  4. KK Li
  5. Capt. Suresh Prabhakar
  6. Sharad Gupta
  7. Jon HE
  8. Abhinav Makkar
  9. Capt. Sanjeev Verma
  10. Capt. Rohit Kulkarni
  11. Mr. Brian Wan


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Mr. Abhinav Makkar was presented his FICS certificate. Mr. KK Li, FICS proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman for his hard work during the Year.

The Branch Annual General Meeting was followed by Chairman's cocktails. The event was very well attended. There were drinks and snack foods and many opportunities to catch up with friends.

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