Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
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Posted on Friday, September 29, 2017
The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers East Africa Branch hosted the stakeholders for a dinner at the Mombasa Club on 29th September.
From Left , Mr. Gichoyi ( Protection and Indemnity Kenya Limited ) , Mr. Nirjhar Bhaduri ( General manager Sharaf Shipping Kenya Limited) , Mr. Opalo ( Express Shipping and Logistics East Africa Ltd ), Mr. Albert Karisa ( Branch Education and Training Committee chairman ) and Mr. Oscar Musumba ( Branch Events and Publicity Committee chairman) following speeches from the speakers during the dinner event.
From Left Front row Mr. Opalo - Express shipping Line, Mr. Soita - Board member Kenya Chamber of Commerce , Ms. Sara Wambugu - ICS Executive Committee member / KPA staff) , Ms. Mwanaulu Ali - Ken trade , Mr. Robert Watene - Chairman ICS East Africa Branch / KPA Staff).
Back row from left Mr. Ongiri - Wec Line , Mr. Juma - KMA , Mr. Gichoi - Protection and Indemnity Kenya Limited , Mr. Awindah - ICS East Arica Education and Training Officer , Mr. Sande - Freight Forwarders Kenya Limited Claims Officer, Mr. Oscar - ICS Events and Publicity Committee Chair / Signon CFS Staff , Mr. Elijah - ICS East Africa Branch Secretary / PILL Staff , Ms. Rony Ali - KPA , Mammu Jamal - Bandari College , Mr. Albert Karisa - ICS East Africa Education and Training Committee Chairman ,Mr. Leonard - Kenya Institute of Management Mombasa Branch Manager and Mr. Paul - ICS East Africa Branch Finance Officer.
From Left - Ms. Roney Ali and Mammuu Jamal both from Bandari College keeping attention during the speeches.
Mr. Robert Watene from KPA and ICS East Africa Branch Chairman giving his speech during the stake holders' dinner at the Mombasa sports club.
Among the stakeholders in attendance there were:
The branch organised the dinner with the aim to acknowledge the crucial role the stakeholders' play in supporting the professional training offered by the Institute.
The Branch explained to the stakeholders how the Institute had played a role in supporting the local shipping industry advocating professionalism in commercial shipping.
The chairman called on, all the industry players to go an extra mile and sponsor their employees to pursue the Institute programs.
He did emphasise that, shipping is dynamic in the sense that every year there are new developments unfolding and it is therefore prudent for stakeholders to keep up with the latest developments.
As example the Chairman mentioned the recent change to the government directive according to which all import cargo will have to be insured locally. This is a shift in the tradition whereby goods were imported on CIF terms but had to be on FOB terms. As industry players; he noted that, it is prudent to keep abreast with the latest developments in the industry. The chairman advised the stakeholders to enrol their staff on Institute programs and also encourage them to attend seminars and workshops conducted by the Institute local branch.
Several key guest speakers among from KPA and KMA thanked the East Africa Branch for partnering with them and promised to sponsor their employees to enrol on Institute programs. Later on, the dinner provided the opportunity for everyone to network.