

South Africa Branch participate in WISTA South Africa Conference

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Our Communications Coordinator Ecinga Gwaza, attended the WISTA South Africa Conference at UCT in Cape Town on August 1, 2024. She said:

"I am grateful for being part of the informative sessions and getting an opportunity to listen to industry experts sharing their experiences, challenges that we face, and providing solutions.

I have learnt two important things; (1) it is important to make noise about something you are good at, make people feel your presence because if you are a shy person, you will never get noticed or recognized for all your hard work. One of the powerful platforms that you can use to make yourself visible is social media. One speaker suggested that inclusivity should include all different personalities. (2) As women, we should avoid saying things that will instill fear to another woman."

We were so grateful to be a part of the conference and to have the opportunity to learn from experienced women in the industry and network with colleagues.

Wista conference 1

Wista 3 (002)

