

Thriving Amidst Nature's Splendour: ICS Middle East's Hiking Triumph at Shawka Dam

Posted on Thursday, February 8, 2024

Embarking on an exploration of the natural wonders encompassing Wadi Shawka (RAK, UAE), 46 adventure enthusiasts from ICS Middle East embarked on a captivating mountainous hike on the morning of January 28, 2024. This exhilarating hike not only unfolded the captivating landscapes but also highlighted the success of ICS Middle East in organizing a memorable hiking experience.


Guided by the vision of ICS Middle East, the hike became an adventure that attracted the branch members and their families. The expedition was marked by a strong sense of community, with participants immersing themselves in the breathtaking beauty of the Hajar mountains, framed by the rugged terrain and serene waters of Shawka Dam.


Beyond being a physical challenge, this hike symbolized a holistic journey, celebrating the seamless connection between nature, culture, and community. As we eagerly anticipate more adventures in 2024, the success of this hike reflects the vibrant spirit of the members of the ICS Middle East.


Me Hike


