

Getting to know...Nuvara Uslu Erdönmez

Posted on Thursday, July 4, 2024

Getting to know...Nuvara Uslu Erdönmez

Nuvara Uslu Erdönmez FICS is Chartering Manager Dry Bulk at Green&Black Shipbrokers Rotterdam. She enjoys the dynamism of the maritime industry, which she feels provides a background for continual learning and development. Here, Nuvara shares her thoughts on the global importance of shipping and brokerage and discusses the challenges currently facing the sector.

1. What is your current role? Could you describe your typical day?

Since January 2023, I've held the position of Dry Cargo Chartering Manager at Green and Black Shipbrokers, located in the Netherlands. In this capacity, I manage the coordination of charterers' voyages and cargoes, ensuring they are matched with suitable vessels. Alongside these responsibilities, I actively engage with industry peers, seek insights, provide advice to charterers, and foster new connections within the shipping sector. Balancing this demanding role with personal life is the most challenging aspect, but I prioritise spending quality time with my family, which is essential for my own fulfillment as well.

2. What aspects of your job do you find most fulfilling? Does it spark your enthusiasm?

The most rewarding aspect of my job lies in its unpredictability. Each day brings new challenges, opportunities, and lessons. Even within familiar routes and commodities, every voyage presents unique circumstances - different vessels, crews, and weather conditions. This constant evolution keeps me engaged, energised, and continually learning. Embracing the dynamic nature of the business fosters flexibility and a willingness to explore diverse perspectives, which I find immensely exciting.

3. How does your role contribute to the broader shipping industry?

We are all interconnected, and there isn't one single role that's more important than the others in the shipping industry. However, our collective duty is paramount in making our world a more liveable place. Without seafarers, ships cannot navigate, and without traders making sales, there would be no cargo for charterers to transport. Therefore, while these two positions may seem crucial, ensuring that these cargoes are transported under the most favourable conditions is also the responsibility of us brokers. There's no time or money to waste, so the role of brokers in ensuring that the consumer spends the least amount of money cannot be overlooked.

4. How has your experience with ICS shaped your career trajectory? Which branch are you currently affiliated with?

Having previously been associated with the Turkey branch, I transitioned to the Netherlands branch after relocating. My involvement with ICS provided me with invaluable networking opportunities within the Dutch shipping community, enhancing my professional connections. Additionally, as an ICS member, I gained recognition for my expertise, bolstering my confidence despite not having a shipping-specific educational background. The accreditation from ICS not only attests to my industry knowledge but also validates my competency, bridging any perceived gaps arising from my Economics degree.

5. What advice would you offer to individuals considering pursuing studies with ICS?

Studying with ICS offers a multitude of benefits, including increased confidence, expanded networks, and recognition within the industry. My advice would be to approach the coursework at a comfortable pace, allowing ample time for thorough understanding and retention of the material. Balancing studies with professional commitments can be challenging, so it's important not to rush the process and to prioritise self-care amidst the demands of work and study.

Remember, you have a five-year window to complete the programme, so there's no need to rush. Starting is pivotal, and as you dive in, time will swiftly pass, eventually leading you to become a full-fledged member.

6. In your opinion, what distinguishes the shipping/maritime industry as an attractive field?

The shipping industry's dynamism sets it apart, ensuring that each day presents new opportunities for growth and learning. The ever-evolving nature of the industry fosters innovation and adaptability, making it an exciting and fulfilling career choice for those who thrive in dynamic environments.

7. What are the primary challenges currently facing our industry, and how can we address them?

A significant challenge confronting the industry is the recruitment and retention of talented young professionals. To address this, we must make shipping more appealing to the younger generation. This involves showcasing the industry's inherent excitement and offering attractive working environments that prioritise safety, innovation, and career development. Additionally, staying abreast of technological advancements and learning from other industries can help us modernise our practices and remain competitive in attracting top talent.

The tasks within the office realm remain consistent, yet the absence of compatible seafarers presents a substantial issue for us. The entire shipping community bears the responsibility of making the industry more appealing and engaging for young individuals.

8. Is there anything else you'd like to share or add?

Being part of a reputable network like ICS opens numerous doors and enriches one's professional journey. I highly recommend investing time in pursuing ICS membership -it's a worthwhile investment that can significantly enhance your career prospects and industry standing.

Keep in mind that knowledge isn't acquired in isolation; it's through such networks that one gains insight into how to connect with the right individuals.

Knowledge is, and will continue to be, a formidable force, shaping both the present and future.

