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  • 19 February, 2016

    Singapore Branch Prize Giving February 2016

    The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Singapore Branch celebrated the exam prize giving ceremony for the year 2015 at ‘the Tanglin club’.

    Singapore Branch Prize-giving featured in Tradewinds - 19 February 2016 issue.

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  • 28 January, 2016

    Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers strikes co-operation agreements in UK and China

    The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (The Institute) has rounded off a year of achievement by striking new agreements to support educational excellence in the UK and China.…

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  • 27 January, 2016

    ICS Exams - A window to Commercial Shipping - Seminar at Kolkata

    The Kolkata Chapter of ICS East India Branch has conducted a Session for the ICS Examination – A window for Commercial Shipping , the most acclaimed qualification that a Maritime Professional can aspire for and has recognized as the benchmark qualification that Maritime Professional should achieve for moving into Management positions anywhere in the World. This was conducted by Capt.J.P.Menezes-Committee Member of ICS East India Branch alongwith Capt.Ally Dagman of Kolkata Chapter…

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  • 18 January, 2016

    ICS recognized as strategic partner by China Ministry of Transport and Shanghai International Shipping Center

    ICS recognized as strategic partner by China Ministry of Transport and Shanghai International Shipping Center…

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  • 29 December, 2015

    Three Giants Join Forces in Promoting Shipping Professionalism

    China and the UK are expected to enhance bilateral maritime cooperation further in the new year. On 6th January 2016, The Professional Qualification Authority of the Ministry of Transport P. R. China (PQA), The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) and The Shipping Service Office of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (SHFTZ) are going to sign a Tripartite Agreement in Shanghai, followed with a Ceremony celebrating the launching of an International Classical Shipping Professionalism Development Program in China. For the first time, there will be a Shipping Training Program which is recognized by both the top shipping qualification authority in China - MOT and the worldwide recognized shipping qualification institute from the UK - ICS.…

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  • 20 December, 2015

    East India Branch Celebrations

    The East India Branch, celebrated in Chennai it's 20th Annual Day…

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  • 3 December, 2015

    Denmark Branch event 3rd December 2015

    Denmark Branch event 3rd December 2015…

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  • 2 December, 2015

    View from the bridge: Shipping faces cloudy horizons

    The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Greece Branch held its 11th Annual Forum, on 2nd December 2015, at the Eugenides Foundation.

    The title was: «View from the bridge: Shipping faces cloudy horizons» and the Forum was well attended by over 400 shipping professionals – from the Greek and International shipping community – covering all spectrum of the industry.

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  • 1 December, 2015

    The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers at Cass Business School

    The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers is a truly global organisation. Last year saw more than 4,000 students sit some 6,000 exams in more than 100 exam centres around the world and its members combine the knowledge gained through study, proven through examination, with a business ethic based on 'Our Word, Our Bond' that imparts confidence into the shipping industry worldwide.…

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  • 25 November, 2015

    Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers wins BIMCO Education and Training Award

    Institute honoured for its ongoing commitment in supporting professional maritime education around the world
    London 19 November 2015.

    The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, the maritime industry’s only body dedicated to professional education, has won the BIMCO Education and Training Award 2015.

    The Institute scooped the award in recognition of its investment in new learning, growth in student and graduate numbers and innovative teaching techniques.

    In 2014 the Institute took the decision to double its examination programme and for the first time organised two series of exams inside 12 months. In the first year, more than 4,000 students sat some 6,000 exams in more than 100 exam centres around the world.

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